Sunday, August 28, 2005

Europa, societat “post-democràtica”

Gràcies a la Parabòlica virtual descobrim l’opinió del president de la República Txeca, Vaclav Klaus, a Europe on the Road to Serfdom:
... Europe is in danger of becoming a “post-democratic” society. Socialism has been discredited since the collapse of Communism in 1989, but “substitutes for Socialism,” such as environmentalism, multiculturalism, Europeanism and “NGO-ism” act as “alternative ideologies” that are used to legitimise ever more government interference in people’s everyday lives, restricting their freedom. According to Klaus, Europe is under greater threat in this regard than America because Europeans, to a larger extent than Americans, tend to regard the state as a well-meaning benefactor to the people.


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